About Me

PortraitI am foremost a Christian. Granted, the term has come to be applied to a ridiculously broad array of things by some. So to clarify, I mean a Christian of the orthodox, historical, “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) variety.

This blog serves as a public place to share my thoughts on theology, scripture, and the Christian life. You may also find book reviews and recommendations, quotes from what I’m reading, and resources on biblical studies and family discipleship. If these interest you, stick around.

The FamilyI am husband to one very patient wife of sixteen years, father to three beautiful, energetic, girls, and one active little boy whom the Lord uses as a constant reminder of my ongoing sanctification. I work in publication and design, currently serving as the editor of a quarterly historical magazine, and am a committed churchman, deeply thankful to be a member of a vibrant local church.